The draft Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents have been reviewed by Three Rivers District Council and you can now view them and make comments here. This consultation is conducted by Three Rivers District Council so is available only on their website. All the supporting documents can be found there also, but we have put links to them below so you can download them from here.
This part of the process is called Regulation 16 and will last from 23 July to 2nd September. All submissions must be made by 5pm on Monday 2nd September.
Following this date, all the comments will be collated and the documents and comments will be examined by an independent Inspector.
There is just one more step after this, and that is the referendum to adopt the Neighbourhood Plan.
July 2024
Below you'll find the suite of documents that make up
The Batchworth Plan.
Your comments are invited on the first document - The Neighbourhood Plan, the rest of the documents inform this plan.
Here is a link to the Three Rivers District council website so you can make your comments:
What is next?
There are a few more steps in the process of adoption of the Neighbourhood Plan:
- This consultation is open for contributions
- Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review prior to being passed on to the independent examiner.
- An independent examiner will assess whether the plan meets legal and policy requirements, considering the consultation responses as part of the process.
- Following successful examination, the Neighbourhood Plan would be subject to a referendum within Batchworth as to whether the plan should be adopted by the Council.
- Should the referendum result in support for adoption, Three Rivers District Council will formally adopt the Batchworth Neighbourhood Plan incorporating it into the Council's Development Plan.
What is a neighbourhood Plan?
It will take a bit more than a few sentences to explain, so we would encourage you to click on the link so you can get the full story…